How To Practice Self Love And Change Your Life

Self love isn’t selfish.

This is the first belief system that you GET TO dismantle on your journey back to yourself.

We are conditioned by societal norms to put ourselves last.

We begin to desert our own beliefs, wants, needs, and desires at a very early age …. and this “works” until it just doesn’t.

You know it’s not “working” anymore when your inner voice says “enough being someone you’re not, enough playing small, and no more putting yourself last in order to make others happy.”

Guess what! … you actually make others happy (at least those that matter) when you are showing up as your authentic self.

You will know when you’re at the point of no longer wanting to live for others first - you’ll feel it in all areas of your life.

What will this feel like? It feels like frustration with relationships, with work, it will look like overwhelm and confusion about what you’re supposed to be doing and what you want to be doing.

It will present with thoughts like “I just don’t know who I am anymore.”

It’s at this crossroads that you GET TO choose you; you GET TO un-become all that is not you.

You will being to love yourself and accept who you truly are once again.

How do you un-become all that is not truly you and return home to yourself?

The first step is AWARENESS.

Become aware of the patterns and stories you tell yourself about who you “need” to be for others.

What are the things you do for people in your life that aren’t in your best interest.

How is it that you are deserting yourself by saying “yes” to things that you want to say “no” to doing?

In what ways do you deplete your energy by surrounding yourself with people who make you feel badly about yourself.

What do you continue to do that is taking away from the things that your heart craves?

Being aware of these things in your life will be the biggest step in changing all areas of your life.

Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.

Begin your day with the intension to show up for yourself first in all of the areas where you’ve been putting yourself last.

Make a promise to yourself.

Set a time in the day when you’ll check in with yourself to see how you’re doing.

I recommend setting an alert on your phone for mid day.

If you find yourself having the negative judgmental thoughts that have been keeping you stuck in old patterns, allow the thoughts to come as they will, and then choose the next best thought possible.

For example: the patterned negative thought could be “I’m a terrible daughter for not being with my father right now and going for a run instead” …. and the next best thought would be “I am becoming more myself daily and therefore a better daughter.”

This is a process of baby steps, that will rewire and create new neural pathways in the brain.

Sounds overwhelming I know, but believe me, if I can do this so can you!

My data bank of old stories and patterns was overflowing and I was able to change my thoughts, that created a new reality in which I loved myself and accepted myself; therefore changing all areas of my life for good.

Change the way you show up in your life first and your relationships and circumstances will shift.

One thought at a time.

It’s all possible for you; you are more powerful than you know.

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