I Am Statements: The Power Of Positive Words

Empower yourself with your words.

I AM statements are powerful, foundational to change in your life, and have the ability to shift you immediately out of a negative thought pattern.

I am statements were an integral part of my own healing.

I had spent an entire life feeling unworthy, not enough, or too much.

The negative thought patterns were keeping me stuck in the victim role, and hostage to feeling inferior and incapable.

The mind hears every word you think and speak …. and it takes it as truth.

Things will shift in every area of your life as soon as you begin integrating I am statements into your daily routine.

Don’t worry about lying to yourself. I know, you feel like your’e tricking yourself by saying statements hat aren’t true, but the thing is, you already are extraordinary, capable, beautiful, talented, …. you have just forgotten.

The key is how you phrase the I am statements.

You wont say “I am overflowing with money” if you’re struggling financially, rather, you’ll say “every day I am getting closer and closer to be financially secure.”

This is a true statement. If you are being intentional about the way you think, act, and feel, then you are one step closer to what you desire and deserve….therefore, your statement about your financial status changing is true.

If you would like support with this process, reach out, I’m here for you.



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